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HD Ningbo School

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HD Ningbo School

Course experience

Integrated Chinese Curriculum
The Chinese language is at the foundation of Chinese culture, and contains the nation’s spiritual genes. The Integrated Chinese curriculum at HD Schools is designed to develop Chinese language capability, together with enabling students to understand the fundamentals of Chinese culture, allowing them to become globalised citizens with Chinese roots.
Physical Education
At HD Schools, the objective of Physical Education is to help our students to become physically fit, improve their competence, develop character, learn skills and become knowledgeable about sports. We want them to be global sportspersons.
Library Class
The library is currently designing its own curriculum which is oriented towards students from Prep to 12th grade. The purpose of this set of the curriculum is to cultivate students to be lifelong learners.
HD Ningbo School

Established in September 2014, HD Ningbo School is a private experimental school with a global vision for the future. HD Ningobo provides a comprehensive and bilingual solution for Chinese families who seek an authentic international education. Blending the best of western educational pedagogy with Chinese curriculum, HD Ningbo provides students with a comprehensive and balanced learning experience, where tradition meets creativity and east meets west.

Rooted in traditional Chinese culture, HD Ningbo develops students to become excellent heralds of Chinese culture to the world while integrating absorbing innovative educational concepts. We support our students to understand the world and develop the ability to interact with other cultures and become truly global citizens. 

HD Ningbo serves students from Kindergarten through to Year 12. Each homeroom is supported by one national teacher and one international teacher, all Kindergarten and Primary classes are benefit from a bilingual learning facilitator as part of our “Tight Three” model of class management, unique to HD Schools.

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